The Adventures of Brittany and Curtis

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Thanks for taking the time to get to know us.


This is one of our favorite Stories to tell. For some it may not be exciting but we love to tell everyone. The time period is  2004-2006 . We met on our mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. We served in the same area for about four months. After that we all went on to serve in other areas. Brittany still had about 6 months left on her mission while Curtis had about the same. During that time that we all served together we all became quick friends which we still keep in touch with each other from time to time.

Brittany got home about 6 weeks before Curtis did which was Sept. 2006. When Curtis got home he looked me up and invited me to his homecoming. The rest they say was history. We decided to continue to develop our friendship.  Not to say it wasn't easy. Curtis lived in Montana for about 3 months while Brittany lived in Utah. Our phone bills were HUGE. Curtis moved to Utah in Dec. of 2006. This is probably when our relationship got serious.Distance was always against us when we were dating. We lived about an hour and half apart. Poor Curtis when he would come see me he would sometimes have to sleep in his car. (His persistence paid off)  

In order to see each other Curtis would volunteer at the school where Brittany worked. 
Here we are at a museum on a Field Trip Day. The Kids loved having Mr. Curtis come with us.
We were engaged in April of 2007 and we married in June of 2007. 
It was a HOT but some how we did not seem to mind. 
Our Engagement Picture

Our Wedding Day!!!

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