The Adventures of Brittany and Curtis

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Our mattress and our Car!!!

So funny story time......

We were able to get a new bed recently. We were way excited and couldn't wait until we had a new comfy bed, so much that we decided that there shouldn't be a problem with getting our mattress and box spring back to our place by putting it on our car. Mind you we have a Subaru. The picture tells the rest.

Sorry it is little blurry. It was taken in front of our apartment. The journey to get it to this point is quite funny. We strapped it on at the place we picked it up at and we may of driven only about a half a mile and it started to fall of. We had to pull off and re-strap the mattress. We got it back on and drove about 10 miles per hour with our hands out the window keeping the bed steady. We couldn't help but laugh as our car looked like a clown car. All to get our mattress as fast as possible and to save ourselves 30 dollars on delivery!!


  1. Bah ha ha ha ha ha! That is hilarious! :D I love you two!

  2. At least you got your mattress immediately after buying. I think any stares you might have gotten from passers-by are worth it. A good, quality mattress is certainly worth the rush to be delivered right away to your home.

    The Bedding Mart
